

Mennonite Art Exhibit

"…carnivalesque images that manifest from cultural critique…"
-Indiana Review

"…jarring juxtaposition of the sacred and the secular…"
-Canadian Mennonite

"Weird. Disturbing. Bizarre"
-Mennonite Weekly

"The work isn't just about Mennonites. It's about all of us."
-Times Union

"...this guy ought to apply for an NEA grant. And then I see that's exactly what happened. Your expressions mixing faith with grotesque seem to fit right in with the Madonna/elephant dung, crucifix in urine." -MennoDiscuss

Special thanks to the Indiana Arts Commission & the National Endowment for the Arts for the studio support grants
© The Swartzentruber Studio | All rights reserved

Pop-Mennonite Inventory


The Conscientious Objector, 18x21", oil on canvas
Excommunication: The Trickle Down Effect, 16x12, oil on canvas
Jerk-Over Temple, 16x42, oil on canvas
Just As I Am, 24x30, oil on canvas
The Last Veiled Feminist, 40x30, oil on canvas
Mennonite Jesus: A Publishers Perspective, 24x18, oil on canvas
The Mission Field, 22x28, oil on canvas
Pop Tart, 18x36, oil on canvas
Rembrandt Mennonites on Holiday, 22x28, oil on canvas
Self Portrait: The Grotesque Facing the Sublime 24x20, oil on canvas
Acceptable Obsessions, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Acceptable Vocation, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Adornment, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink.
Clashing Symbols, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Classic Ditty, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Gardenia Aroma, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Holy Kiss at Communion, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Joy stick, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Little C.O., 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Pretty Woman, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Roll in the Hay: Passion, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Roll in the Hay: Regret, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
Spirits in the Sky, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
What's Up Menno, 19x15", prisma bronze & raisen noir, carbon ink
A mix of Mennonite music and preaching selections accompany museum exhibitions.
A Brief History of the Mennonites by Prof. John D. Roth
Bible Views: Anabaptist-Mennonite
Bethel-Mennonite History
Delaware Mennonite
Documentary/short 60 min. Not All that 'The World' Does Is Good for a Mennonite, 1998. Belgium, language=dutch
mennonitechurch - http://www.mennonitechurch.ca/about/cof/
Mennonite Quarterly Review
Mennonite Historical Soceity of British Columbia

Randall Stoltzfuz Artist with Mennonite background enolink MennoLinks groups
Spurgeon-Anabaptist History
Swiss Mennonite History
The Mennonite Artist Database

The Schwarzendruber Letters by Ross Bender. Unique Mennonite fiction
The Mennonites of Manitoba Prairie Public Television

The Schwarzendruber Letters by Ross Bender. Unique Mennonite fiction
Third Way Cafe
Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology
Matt Groening et al, Simpsons Comics a Go-Go, 2000, HarperPerennial, Mennonite family background
Linda Wendling (Mennonite) expanded her story "Inappropriate Babies"-which was singled out in reviews of New Stories for the South in Entertainment Weekly, Southern Living, the Dallas Times and The Southerner-into a novel during her year at the Milton Center, which was also the Center's inaugural year in Seattle. Wendling is a Best New Writers of the South winner, a Ploughshares Emerging Writers nominee, and a finalist for the William Faulkner Prize for the Novel, the James Jones First Novel Fellowship, and the Bellwether Prize for the Novel. She has won the Heartland Fiction Prize and was a finalist for Scribner's Best of the Fiction Workshops Anthology and the AWP Writers Award. Her stories and novel excerpts have appeared in River Styx, Microfiction: An Anthology of Really Short Stories (W. W. Norton) and New Stories from The South: The Year's Best (Algonquin Press).